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वासुदेव काफ्ले

भोजपुर, नेपाल

मेरो नाम वासुदेव काफ्ले हो। मेरो घर भोजपुर जिल्ला पात्लेपानि गा.वि.स वाड नं. ८ मा हो। म हाल जापान को तोचिगीकेन भन्ने ठाउँ मा बस्छु। म करीब ५ बर्ष पहिले काठमान्डु स्थित कुमारी जापानिज भाषा स्कुल बाट आएको हु।हुनत मेरो जापान आउनु अघि जापान आउने कुनै सोच थिएन फेरि सोच्दै जादा जापानमा विध्यार्थी भिषामा कोसीस गर्ने सोच बनाए।त्यस पछि कुमारी स्कुलमा पढ्न थाले र त्याहा रहनु भएका दक्ष शिक्षक बाट जापानिज भाषाको अध्ययन गरे साथै सोहि स्कुलका सन्चालक गुरु टंक साउद ज्यु बाट जापान बारे धेरै कुराको ज्ञान साथै जानकारि पाए धन्यवाद छ सर हजुरलाई हजुरको सल्लाहले मलाइ जापानमा धेरै कुरा बुझ्न साथै बस्न मद्दत पुर्यायो। हुनत मैले नेपालमा ३ महिना मात्रै भाषा पढेको हो तर त्यति मात्रैको अध्ययनले जापान आउदा एकदमै समस्या पर्छ त्यसैले जापान आउनु हुने जो कोही ले पनी कम्तिमा ६ महिना मिहीनेत गरेर पढ्नु होला।मैले फेरी जापान आएर पहिलो २ बर्ष जापानिज भाषा स्कुलमा अध्ययन गरे त्यस पश्चात फेरी २ बर्ष Information of Technology विषय मा अध्ययन गरे। र अहिले हाल म जापानको airplane र Bullet Train को Internal Part बनाउने कम्पनिमा कार्यरत छु। मेरो जापान आउनुहुनेलाई सुझाव : - १)जापानमा आउनु पुर्व जो कोहिलेपनि जापानिज भाषाको राम्रो अध्ययन गरेर आऊनु होला। यहाँ आफु जति भाषा जान्ने भयो त्यहि अनुसार को काम पाइन्छ । साथसाथै आफुलाई हरेक क्षेत्र मा जे सुकै गर्न नि सहज हुन्छ। २) हामि नेपालीहरुमा अली ढिला सुस्तिको समस्या हुन्छ,तर जापानमा समयको एकदमै ख़्याल गर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ किनकी १sec.ले गर्दा धेरै थोक छुट्न सक्छ। ३)जापानमा आउदा सजिलो छ भन्ने भावना लिएर नआउनु होला दु:ख परिश्रम गर्छु भन्ने भावना हुनु पर्दछ । किनकी, जापानमा धेरै मिहीनेत गर्नु पर्छ। नोट:-जापान आउन चाहनु हुने सम्पुर्णलाई जापानमा स्वागत छ। आउनुहोस्,तर भाषाको राम्रो ज्ञान लिनुहोला साथै जापानको बारे पनि राम्रो जानकारी लिएर आउनुहोला । जापानको रहनसहन को बारेमानी जानकारी लिनुहोला । हजुरहरुलाई जापान बस्न धेरै सहज पर्दछ। धन्यवाद्। कुमारी जापानिज भाषा स्कुल सँग म सधै आभारी छु ।

Bikash Lamsal

Pokhara, Nepal.

I am Bikash Lamsal from Pokhara, Nepal. I came to Japan through Tanka Saud from Kumari Japanese Language School, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu. Choosing abroad for further studies is really a challenging job, because we don’t know anything about the place that we are planning to go. When it comes to the Non-English spoken countries like Japan, it’s really tough. On that case, we need someone who gives us the correct information about that place and tells us about the difficulties in that country is the most. Tanka Saud is the person who gives the correct information and the challenges to the students who are going to Japan. That was the main point I was impressed by him and planned to choose Japan for my further studies. I came to Japan in 2010 as a Japanese language student. After I completed my Japanese language course, I got chance to enter as a research student in Ashikaga Institute of Technology (AIT). From where I completed my Masters in System and Information Engineering in 2014. I was offered a job at the Software Company in Tokyo while I was in my Master’s degree course, but I denied and joined Ph.D. Currently I am doing my Ph.D. at AIT (http://www2.ashitech.ac.jp/system/matsumoto) and I will be graduate in March 2017. I am also working as a Research assistant in the University, where I assist the Bachelors and Masters level student in their research. I also work as a part-time teacher in different places. I was the Rotary Yoneyama scholarship (http://www.rotary-yoneyama.or.jp/english/) recipient for 1 year during my Master course. Currently I am the first and only Nepalese scholarship recipient of Atsumi International scholarship foundation. (http://www.aisf.or.jp/information/docI.pdf). It was quite a tough journey with a lot of experiences till now. But if you have a dream just see it, but only seeing the dream will not make it come true so better work on it. Japan is the country where we can learn a lot of things. There are a lot of good aspects of Japan. The quality education and a secured developed country is the only one thing we have to think about during further studies. Try to learn something about Japan before you come here as well as learn Japanese language which is the most. I want to thank Tanka Saud and Kumari Japanese language school for all the devotion and support for me till now. His work doesn’t finish after sending the students to Japan but his real work starts from there. Hope to get your support in the coming days as well. Wish you All the Best.